Monika Sosnowska
Monika Sosnowska’s new works for her 3rd solo show at the gallery, refer to the market stands of the “Jarmark Europa“ in Warsaw, which after the end of comunism in Poland was for a period of about ten years a place for all kind of goods - even for the black market. The metal constructions of these market stalls are transformed into seemingly abstract sculptures, and it’s not obvious what the new forms represent. The artist is known for translating everyday architecture into a new level. Buildings with a primarily social or political connotation are freed from their functionality. Monika Sosnowska’s architectural artworks challenge the viewer’s perception of what is rational or even possible, capturing moments when, as she puts it, “architectural space begins to take on the characteristics of mental space“.

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Monika Sosnowska’s new works for her 3rd solo show at the gallery, refer to the market stands of the “Jarmark Europa“ in Warsaw, which after the end of comunism in Poland was for a period of about ten years a place for all kind of goods - even for the black market. The metal constructions of these market stalls are transformed into seemingly abstract sculptures, and it’s not obvious what the new forms represent. The artist is known for translating everyday architecture into a new level. Buildings with a primarily social or political connotation are freed from their functionality. Monika Sosnowska’s architectural artworks challenge the viewer’s perception of what is rational or even possible, capturing moments when, as she puts it, “architectural space begins to take on the characteristics of mental space“.

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view