Laura Owens
“To redeem the monotony of plain surfaces has ever been the aim of all the arts, but especially that of the needle.” This quote appears in a hand-made facsimile of a book about Jacobean embroidery made by Laura Owens. The plates reproduced in faint black ink in Owens’ facsimile reproduction are largely obscured, however, by wild splotches, cross-hatchings and flashes of paint in many colors. Though ostensibly a book about embroidery, its subject in this remade version seems rather to be the paint which ‘embroiders’ the flat monochromatic pages, ‘redeeming the monotony’ of their plain surfaces.

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view
“To redeem the monotony of plain surfaces has ever been the aim of all the arts, but especially that of the needle.” This quote appears in a hand-made facsimile of a book about Jacobean embroidery made by Laura Owens. The plates reproduced in faint black ink in Owens’ facsimile reproduction are largely obscured, however, by wild splotches, cross-hatchings and flashes of paint in many colors. Though ostensibly a book about embroidery, its subject in this remade version seems rather to be the paint which ‘embroiders’ the flat monochromatic pages, ‘redeeming the monotony’ of their plain surfaces.

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view